Visit our Cherry Farm
U-Pick cherries and flowers all season long. Find out what is available at Hallstedt Homestead Cherries!
Shop our Store
Fresh sweet cherries and seasonal products: our store brings the magic of Leelanau to your door.
Eight Sweet Cherry Varieties (and Tarts!) to Pick
We grow eight varieties of sweet cherries plus Montmorency tarts. Each variety has different tastes, textures, sizes and timing from the early and traditional Cavaliers to the late and great Sweethearts. We each have our favorite, what will be yours?
Our Story:
A Northport Cherry Farm
Our journey started in 2006 and is always evolving as we adapt to changing economics, weather, labor, pests and technology. Through this, our vision remains the same: to create a place where families can create their own memories from this special fruit, whether here in Leelanau or at their homes on a summer day.
We Believe in Respecting the Farm
The land is at the core of the farm, but respecting the farm goes beyond sustainability and achieving a harvest. Respecting the farm means that we value the dirt, water, air, plants and wildlife which visitors see at HH Cherries, but it is so much more. Here are our thoughts…
The Orchard Report

Did You See This In The Ticker?!
This article in the Leelanau Ticker describes this fantastic New York Times Cooking event at our farm on Saturday, July 15! Click here for a great read!

Cherries and Blood – Both Precious, Both Red and Both in Short Supply
At HH Cherries, one of core values is “The Land”. The land is so precious here in Leelanau with the rolling hills, sandy loam soils and abundance of water to buffer the weather swings. We express it as “the wonder of Leelanau, with Lake Michigan buffering the...

The June 2022 Cherry Drop: Breaking the Heart of a Cherry Farmer by Phil Hallstedt
Many people ask me (Phil) what are the best and worst parts of being a sweet cherry farmer. There are too many highs to list, and yes, the lows do exist, but the deepest low of the season is always the same answer — the June Drop. The June Drop occurs in mid-June and...

Sadie’s Saga: The Day I Learned to Drive a Tractor
Throughout the summer, Hallstedt Homestead Cherries' (HH Cherries) intern Sadie Murphy will share her experiences on the farm — we're calling it "Sadie's Saga!" Her first topic: The Day I Learned to Drive a Tractor. It was a sunny and warm morning when Sarah said to...
“The cherry-picking was a fun family time! Then we relaxed in the swing to take in the view of the fields of fruit trees!”
“Beautiful orchard with delicious cherries! The view of the fields on the hills is so pretty! Van Gogh and Monet would definitely paint here!”
“Beautiful farm, friendly people and delicious plump cherries as far as the eyes could see!”
Share YOUR Hallstedt Homestead Cherries Farm experience with us on Facebook!
Visit our Cherry Farm
U-Pick cherries and flowers all season long. Find out what is available at Hallstedt Homestead Cherries!
Shop our Store
Fresh sweet cherries and seasonal products: our store brings the magic of Leelanau to your door.