Hallstedt Homestead

CHERR-A-BLE Cherry CSA: 3 quarts/week



Want MORE fresh quarts of our scrumptious sweet cherries during picking season? Then the Cherr-a-ble (share-able…get it!?) CSA subscription is right for you!

  • Three generous quarts per week to share, comes out to $9.00/quart
  • Four weeks of cherries
  • Eight varieties; depending on harvest schedule, you will get several varieties
  • Cherries can be picked up Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays at the orchard (8 am - 5 pm). The date of the first pickup will be determined by harvest schedule, generally about the second week in July. You will receive an email with timing and instructions about a week before the first pickup.

Photo by Beryl Striewski

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