Welcome to our recipes page! Here you will find recipes our customers have shared with us as well as recipes we love. If you have a cherry recipe you’d like to share, please email it to sarah@hhcherries.net. Enjoy!
- Cherry Almond Toffee Bars
- Cherry Almond Muffins
- Banana Cherry Muffins
- Cherry Almond Oat Bread
- Cherry Pecan Bars
- Cherry Scones
- Cherry-Prosciutto Grilled Pizza
- Chili-Garlic Grilled Chicken with Avocado-Cherry Salsa
- Chocolate-Cherry Cinnamon Rolls
- Cherry Sorbet
- Sweet Onion & Cherry Pork Chops
- Panzanella Cherry Salad
- Cherry Lemonade
- Chocolate Cherry Bark
- Fresh Cherry Margarita
- Cherry Smoothie Bowl
- Sweet Cherry Ketchup
- Cherry-Chicken Lettuce Wraps
- Goat Cheese Cherry Appetizer Bites
- Cherry Cobbler
- Bourbon Cherry Coke
- Sweet CHerry Caprese Salad
- Cherry Doughnut HOles
- Cherry BBQ Sauce